The weather over the past year was challenging for our part of North Carolina and our apiary too. The amount of rainfall was record-breaking and bee-breaking too. The weather this spring has been outstanding so far though, and we're expecting to see some amazing honey this summer.
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Standout presentations at the recent 2019 NCSBA Spring Bee Conference by Dr. Katie Lee and Dr. Allison McAfee challenged some common beekeeping practices and demonstrate the exciting research that is being done now that will help us all better manage our beehives.
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Killer Bees Honey is proud to announce that we have been accepted as a Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) honey farm. CNG farms and apiaries are inspected by Agricultural Extension Agents, Master Gardeners, customers, and other CNG farmers, and subject to random pesticide and herbicide residue testing.
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Ever noticed you're not cleaning the windshield as often to your car? Entomologists call this the windshield phenomenon and it is a warning that toxic chemicals combined with climate change are having a deadly effect on all creatures.
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It has been a disastrous year in Western North Carolina for bees and their beekeepers. A cold winter, followed by a wet, stormy, late spring, followed by floods and more storms means we have no honey for 2018. We're focusing on getting them ready to make it through the winter and look forward to a new honey season next summer.
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