Texas A&M Reports That Our 2017 Honey is 93% Pure Sourwood!

Professor Vaughn Bryant at Texas A&M determined that the two samples of our 2017 sourwood honey harvest were 91% and 93% pure sourwood. This level of purity is rarely achieved. To quote Dr. Bryant, “…both samples…are exceptional examples of sourwood honey.” To offer some perspective, the international regulatory standard for a monofloral honey is >45%. The North Carolina State Beekeepers Association’s 51% requirement for sourwood labeling is the highest monofloral standard in the United States. Thus, to have sourwood samples tested above 90% is extremely gratifying.
To say we are extraordinarily proud of the girl’s efforts would be an understatement. Our combined effort continues to produce the purest, raw and uncensored honey in Appalachia. Order up some of this year's Sourwood Blonde and try it out for yourself.