Despite my best efforts, half the hives in our apiary swarmed this season. Many were recaptured, others found new dwellings. Swarms are the mechanism for bees to multiply and form new hives but if you're not prepared for it, you can lose some of your bees.
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The Sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) begins to flower the third week of June with blooms only lasting for three weeks. The limited blooming season and the unique, ultra-light taste that comes from its nectar, with hints of anise and spices make for a special and prized honey.
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Yes, all of our honey is “raw.” Meaning that it is unfiltered, unpasteurized, unheated. But terms such as “raw,” “organic,” “unfiltered,” etc. really don’t have much meaning when it comes to regulating honey producers and packers. The fact is, the FDA has absolutely no definition of “raw” as it applies to honey. We at describe our honey as raw, natural and pure because we believe that our process is exactly that.
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Today's it's International Whisk(e)y day and what better way to celebrate than with a recipe for a Whiskey Sour made with our smooth Killer Bees Honey Sourwood Honey.
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Bees congregate around their queen during the cold winter months shivering their flight muscles to produce heat so the hive stays warm and the queen can lay eggs.
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